Aquaculture Water Sanitizer
The quality of water is a key factor for a successful health of the aquatic species. A open water system with sufficient good water quality help in better health of the aquaculture. If proper quality or sufficient quantity of water is not available, purification of water by eliminating polluting substances including toxic metabolites and growth inhibiting substances which originate mainly form fish or shrimp excretion and excessive feed is necessary. With the lower quality of the water there are chances for occurrence of mortalities by diseases due to viral, bacterial, protozoal, fungal pathogens. High population of aquatic species under limited size of pond or lake causes poor sanitation which leads to growing interest in using water sanitizers and disinfectants. Various substance are available in the water sanitizers or disinfectant which help in killing the germs.
There are several properties with disinfectant and water sanitizers which are very useful.
1) Wide spectrum of antibacterial activity
2) Lack of irritation
3) Low toxicity.
4) High Penetrability.
5) Low in cost.
6) Higher degree of stability.
The oxidizing agents that are present in this are used for controlling phytoplankton, killing disease organisms (virus, bacteria, protozoa, fungus etc.) or oxidizing bottom soils and reduce the level of oxygen consumption by chemical and biological processes by killing the bacteria.
“Ph Gold” is one of the recommended water sanitizers which consist unique formulation of copper sulphate, choline chloride with essential organic acids which cleans the water and maintains the pH level. When applied to pond water it also helps in reducing the acidity of the water and increase alkalinity. Most substances used to improve water quality, to improve the health, or to stimulate the immune system. With the more effective use of scientifically approved disinfectants and sanitizers as feed supplements along with other biological agents in order to improve survival rate and growth, to enhance yield and to minimize production cost.
1.Binds the harmful toxins and moulds that are present in the feed and water.
2. Helps in controlling the pathogenic bacteria.
3. Prevent outbreaks of diseases.
4. Improve the pH level of the water and thus improve quality.
5. Stimulates the liver for better digestion and absorption of the feed nutrients.
6. Helps in improving the renal function and purifies the blood.
Usage & Administrations
For Aquaculture
Regular Treatment: 1Litre/Acre.
Medical Treatment: 2-3Litre/Acre.
Or, as directed by veterinarian consultants.