Oxygen Enhancer
In farming of shrimp, low dissolved oxygen concentration is recognized as a major cause of stress, poor appetite, low health slow growth, disease susceptibility and mortality in aquaculture. It is a major issue and generally accepted that the minimum daily dissolved oxygen concentration in pond culture is of greatest concentration. Thus the level of Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the important factors affecting the growth and the health of shrimps. The solubility of oxygen in nature is dependent upon the physical and chemical properties and biochemical activities of the body of water. Low oxygen solubility can reduce feeding activities and kill the aquatic organisms present. DO regulates various biochemical processes of water quality, such as nitrification cation process, denitrification, and organic compound degradation. There are several parameters that control dissolved oxygen in the water. They are oxygen intake of the sediment, oxygen production from photosynthesis, oxygen consumption by the aquatic organisms, biochemical activities in the water and aeration. Oxygen concentration generally increases in the pond during the daytime, which is caused by the photosynthetic process, and its decline at night results from the predominance of respiration of plants and animals during this period. One of the problems in the intensive shrimp farming system isneed of a large amount of feed and DO. Dissolved oxygen is widely acknowledged as one of the most important variables in aquaculture. Increasing size of the growing shrimp will also increase the amount of waste so that the oxygen demand for biochemical activities in the intensive pond water will not be enough and therefore, cannot only rely on the DO available in the pond. Unconsumed feed and shrimp excretion will produce an accumulation of organic matter in the rearing media that needs oxygen to decompose (Boyd 1989). Increased duration of the shrimp culture will also raise the waste load. Consequently, the need for oxygen for biochemical activities in the intensive pond water will not be enough to merely depend upon the natural oxygen in the pond.
Thus, it is important to increase the level of oxygen in the pond. It is also necessary to remove organic waste and ammonia from the water for better health and growth performance. There we use “Anfoxy” and “Anfoxy Tab” which comes in powder and tablet form which helps in increasing the level of oxygen in the pond. With the use of “Anfoxy” as oxygen enhancer which prove to be very effective along with other benefits.
1. Generates oxygen to maintain maximum level of oxygen in the pond.
2. Remove organic and noxious gases form the pond bottom.
3. Maintains constant oxygen level for a stress-free environment.
4. Improves the quality of water .
5. Removes toxic and hazardous gases.
6. Helps in managing Organic waste.
7. mprove quality of water by releasing required quantity of oxygen.
Dosage & Direction
For Shrimp:
Regular Application:
1Kg-2Kg per acre of pond.
During Stress and lack of oxygen: 2Kg-3Kg per acre of pond.